Sunday, December 28, 2008


This is what happens to you when you travel for 40 straight hour and still aren't finished yet.  Steve Holt (Technical Team) shown here racking out (for the better part of 2 hours) on hard marble, and, when he woke up, said, "wow... never knew marble slabs could feel so soft!"

Alternately is Amanda Harris (Justice Team) sprawling across a couple of seats and doing a very good job looking, for all practical purposes, as though she's genuinely resting.  When i snapped this photo, she cracked an eyelid for an instance, gave me that "what ARE you doing?" look that i see often (she IS my sister-in-law, after all), and then promptly slipped back into unconsciousness.


Pages In Time Forever said...

Why doesn't that surprise me?? My brother can sleep ANYWHERE - he has a narcoleptic-like talent for falling asleep FAST and in the oddest places...

Anonymous said...

Becky took the words right out of my mouth (which is VERY unsanitary, I might add). Steve IS a good sleeper...I know of an occassional floor and/or couch he has slept on...