Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Dates to Remember...


Little India for a Day & Meal Simulation

*Individuals must choose one of the two options. Team Leaders will need to let me know which date the people on their teams plan to attend by Friday, September 12th.

*Saturday, September 27th, 8a.m.- 6p.m (Option 1)

*Saturday, November 15th, 8a.m.-6p.m. (Option 2)

Immunization Clinic #1/GCC -Wednesday, October 1st, 5p.m.-6:30p.m.

Sleep & Luggage Simulation

**Everyone must choose one of the three options for the Sleep & Luggage Simulation. Team Leaders will need to let Jeanna know which Simulation their team members plan to attend by Friday, September 12th.

*Friday, October 10th -Sunday, October 12th (Option 1)

· Friday, October 10th-sleep on the floor

· Saturday, October 11th-meet at GCC at 8:30a.m. for 2nd Saturday. After serving at 2nd Saturday go to lunch as a team and then go to Potato Creek for the Luggage Simulation (will end between 3p.m.-4p.m.). Meet back at GCC for the 7p.m. service. Sleep on the floor Saturday night.

*Friday, November 7-Sunday, November 9th (Option 2)

· Friday, November 7th-sleep on the floor

· Saturday, November 8th -meet at GCC at 8:30a.m. for 2nd Saturday. After serving at 2nd Saturday go to lunch as a team and then go to Potato Creek for the Luggage Simulation (will end between 3p.m.-4p.m.). Meet back at GCC for the 7p.m. service. Sleep on the floor Saturday night.

*Friday, December 12-Sunday, December 14th (Option 3)

· Friday, December 12th-sleep on the floor

· Saturday, December 13th-meet at GCC at 8:30a.m. for 2nd Saturday. After serving at 2nd Saturday go to lunch as a team and then go to Potato Creek for the Luggage Simulation (will end between 3p.m.-4p.m.). Meet back at GCC for the 7p.m. service. Sleep on the floor Saturday night.

Passports & Visa Applications Due to Jeanna Tripp; as well as GCC Polo shirt sizes for your team-Monday, October 20th

Partial Support Due ($2000)-Monday, November 3rd

Immunization Clinic #2/GCC -Wednesday, November 5th, 5p.m.-6:30p.m. #2/GCC

Full Support Due ($3000 + cost of any immunizations)-Monday, December 1st

Financial Updates (Team Members can expect to receive financial updates on the following dates (I will copy the Team Leaders on each of these e-mails):

  • Tuesday, October 7
  • Tuesday, October 21
  • Tuesday, November 4
  • Tuesday, November 11
  • Tuesday, November 18
  • Tuesday, November 25
  • Monday, December 1

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Water Team Recon...

For those of you who are going on the December Water Team, you will be able to see a brief glimpse of what one of the villages where you will be working looks like. This village is called Kallavai, and it currently has between 65 - 75 families (300+) people in it.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Online Giving!!!

Crew! Wanted to let you know that we will be adding a great new feature to this team's blog! It will be the ability to direct supporters to this site so that they can give on-line through the following link: http://www.gccwired.com/missiontrips , or by just clicking here when they come to this post. You can also send that link to your supporters or friends via e-mail (how cool is that!?!?)

Once they get to the link, they will be able to specify you as the person they want to give to, and our internal systems will track their contribution from there, as well as automatically ascribe it to you. Later, you will see this show up in your support report, and can know exactly how much you have raised and where you are in the giving process. Our hope is that this will simplify things considerably as well as it will minimize the paperwork, stamps, return address labels, etc. that you may currently be using. We hope that this will help everyone (you, your supporters, our Accounting Teams, etc), and make things WAY easier, and all you have to do is direct people to this blog address to get started.

It will also help them to start thinking about coming here for information about you and the teams as we will be blogging everything from training to prep, travel and on-field activity. If you have questions about this process, or need help with it, please let us know through comments here on this post.